$100.00 deposit required
Crochet maintenance hours may vary between 2 to 4 hours depend on size and length.
$50.00 deposit required
Depends on the length as well.
$300 deposit require
Depends on the length. $500 deposit require
$150.00 deposit required
$150 deposit require 60-80 pieces if more than that it $100 extra Please wash hair Prior to your service or pay extra $15 Style not included if so need $25 extra Clean hair before service.
$100.00 deposit required
Depends on the length as well. $150 deposit require
Style not included.
price may change at anytime.
Price Depands on length and size..
Price depend on the length and size.
Price may vary depend on size and length
$50.00 deposit required
Price depend on length and pieces. Deposit of $175 require
Tools Will be Provide.
Example of instantloc: lock hair same day
Sisterloc Retighten $185 More than 3hr $20/hr Wash not included if so $15 extra. Style Not included.
Depend on length
$20.00 deposit required
Price may vary depend on hair length
After 15 minutes $50 late fee(No Exception)
Price my vary depend on length and size. Fill dreads in from thinning out
Fill dreads in from thinning out
Price may vary depend on style . Wash, blow out and flat iron
Wash, retwist and style
with Hair Provide, Depend on size and length
Two Strand Twist $25 extra
Two Strand Is additional $25 and up and book separately
8$ per dreads
Starting price $1800 from 4-6 inch. $500 deposit require. Time may vary depend on length. Call for more info
$500.00 deposit required for new clients
Depends on the length as well..
Price may vary depend on the length and Size, wash not included. Please be advised wash and style not included
Price may vary depend on size and length and 5yr n Under
$200 deposit require. Temporary dreads can stay in for 3-6 months. Retouch on temporary dreads $150
$400 deposit require. Hair need to be order will take 2-5 business days to arrive. Appointment need to be set 2 weeks prior to service
$40 and up depends on the Length
Services consist of emergency call, service start as early as 7am, with house call / travel fee starting from $20 to $50 depend on area. Service price not included. Contact for more info
Depends on length.
$5.00 deposit required
Two Strands Twist $25 and up depend on the left . Time may vary
Age 10yr old and up
Price and hours may vary depend on length and size